Annual Report 2023



In 2023, we expanded Project Last Mile’s impact through 21 projects in 12 African countries, reaching over 28 million people.

Our collective involvement in Project Last Mile fills us with a profound sense of pride. This comes from knowing that Project Last Mile stands as a true embodiment of partnership, integrating the distinctive capabilities and strengths of the private sector, public sector, and civil society to implement transformative projects. Our capabilities, rooted in private sector approaches, have been instrumental in achieving these milestones.

Reflecting on the past year’s accomplishments, we sincerely appreciate each contributor who played a crucial role in Project Last Mile’s success—including our valued partners and dedicated project team. We are fortunate to collaborate with an exceptionally talented and committed network of individuals.

This annual report highlights Project Last Mile’s achievements and learnings over the past year. Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate a significant milestone commemorating 10 years since the formal launch of our expanded global partnership.

55 projects
17 countries
43 million people reached

2023 highlights

See our 2023 thought leadership and communication highlights here.

Our work

If you can find an ice-cold Coca-Cola product almost anywhere in Africa, why not life-saving medicines?

Project Last Mile, a collaboration between donors, health ministries, and the private sector, aims to turn this vision into reality. We work closely with public health systems and social enterprises. utilizing the successful methods and networks of The Coca-Cola System. Our focus areas include route-to-market, cold chain strengthening, and strategic marketing and communications. Our aim is to improve access, availability, and demand for life-saving medicines and health services down to the last mile in Africa. We assist our donor partners—PEPFAR, USAID, The Global Fund, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—to achieve ambitious goals.

Our core capabilities are derived from a private sector approach that is based on the strengths of The Coca-Cola System. The Coca-Cola Company and its brands are world-recognized for distribution, cold chain capability, and marketing. By leveraging Coca-Cola alums and subject matter experts in public health, we translate principles and expertise from the private sector to support public health systems and social enterprises in improving the delivery of medicines, vaccines, and health services.

Route-to-market: Project Last Mile applies the successful distribution expertise, methods, and innovations of The Coca-Cola System, adapting them to health systems to enhance how medicines, vaccinations, and other health products reach people. This helps ensure consistent and convenient availability down to the last mile.

Cold chain strengthening: Project Last Mile utilizes The Coca-Cola System’s expertise and networks to improve systems that maintain climate-sensitive commodities at the right temperature. This is crucial for regular immunizations and emergency efforts such as COVID-19 and polio vaccinations.

Strategic marketing and communications:
The Coca-Cola Company is world-recognized for its marketing and branding expertise. Project Last Mile applies these best practices to social behavior change and communication, aiming to motivate people to access health services such as HIV testing and treatment.