
July 2022 – September 2023


In early 2022, Malawi had fully vaccinated less than 5% of its population against COVID-19, with only about 1.9 million doses administered by March of that year. Recognizing the urgency of increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake, Project Last Mile partnered with USAID, the Ministry of Health, and other implementing partners involved in COVID-19 vaccine communications efforts.

Supported by funding from USAID and The Coca-Cola Foundation, Project Last Mile applied its strategic marketing expertise to develop and execute a targeted campaign in rural communities in Zomba and Thyolo. This involved conducting a gap analysis, crafting campaign strategies, and engaging stakeholders. The campaign’s objective was to increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance through a combination of mass media initiatives and community events.


  • Approximately 68% of the target population was reached by the campaign.
  • 83% of the target audience expressed an increased likelihood of getting vaccinated in response to the campaign messaging.
  • After engaging with the campaign, 58% of participants reported feeling more positive towards COVID-19 vaccinations. Additionally, there was a notable decrease in safety concerns among those who were previously hesitant.
  • 3,630 vaccinations were administered at campaign events.

This information originally appeared in the 2023 Annual Report.